
Friday, 18 January 2013

UK Snow and a Giveaway!

Red Wine and Snow

If you're in the UK, like the rest of us, you're probably ankle deep in the white stuff. Yes, snow!  When the weather outside is THIS frightful, all you want to do is watch the flakes fall from the comfort of the house, fire roaring and a nice glass of wine. If you're lacking in the last part, do not fear! 

There are two solutions to rectify this awful situation:

1. Check the 'Special Offers' section of the Just Great Wine website...or any other section you might fancy! Pick something you like the sound of, and go to the checkout.

2. Alternatively, send us your snow photos!! The best one could win a prize on Monday :) you can send them to us via our Facebook page or you can also tweet them to us! 

We look forward to seeing your pictures! Have a great weekend, and keep safe and warm! 

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